jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

TASK #7: Unit 3 Test Speaking task

TASK #7:
TITLE: Unit 3 Test Speaking task. 

DEADLINE:Thursday 26 2017 at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: MAKE a recording of your text on the importance of exams written during today's class. You can add more details, if you want. Make sure that the text contains, at least, a hundred words.

Then , as usual, send it to me atmiguelgarciaarreza@gmail.com

PLEASE, make sure that the title is like this1Bachnamesurnametask#7

In my opinion, exams are the perfect test for people who knows the lesson. The exams are hated, but in a future, we will remember it for the formation that it give is. In schools, exams are funny and when i was young, i learnt more in a exam class than in a normal class. For other people exams are the worst thing invented, because only generate stress and bad feelings. In conclussion exams are bad for people and good for other people.